Project Details

Since November 2010, the Commonwealth Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010 has required most lessors of commercial office space leases over 2,000m2 to advertise the NABERS energy rating of the building to prospective tenants, in order to assist tenants with their selection of an office. This change in legislation, combined with the increased price of electricity has resulted in owners placing a new level of consideration on the operational performance of existing buildings, particularly the efficiency of building services such as ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and hot water. In late 2010, DEXUS appointed EPM to manage an energy upgrade of eight buildings including Zenith Centre, Chatswood; 112 Talavera Rd, North Ryde; 11 Talavera Rd, North Ryde; 44 Market St, Sydney; 60 Miller St, Sydney; 130 George St, Parramatta; 1 Farrer Place, Sydney and Gateway Building, 1 Macquarie Place, Sydney. EPM Projects managed the preparation of a Strategic Improvement Plan to consider the NABERS impacts of a variety of possible upgrade options; assist Dexus to assess the feasibilities of each option; managed the preparation of documentation and the procurement of the upgrade works. A considerable amount of work was undertaken in and around occupied tenancies, requiring EPM to carefully manage the co-ordination between tenants, building managers, and multiple contractors.

Project Stats

  • Project Cost: >$10.0M

  • Completed 2014