Project Details

Calvary Care, Dalton Gardens is a retirement village and aged care facility that is located in Ryde, NSW. Calvary provides a range of independent living, community care and aged care services. In 2014 EPM was engaged by Calvary to manage the process to procure a master plan for Dalton Gardens. The objective of the master plan is to better position Calvary to provide a high standard of excellence in independent living and aged care balanced with maximising the potential of Dalton Gardens by responding appropriately to the constraints to redevelopment, leveraging the unique features of the village and thereby ensure the financial viability of the village well into the future.

EPM developed a 5-part strategy that started with identifying the constraints to redevelopment of the village and confirming the needs and aspirations of Calvary for refurbishment and new facilities. EPM facilitated the appointment of an architect through a competition to synthesise all the information arising out of the constraints and needs analysis and to prepare the master plan. The master plan was developed with the secondary consultants and in consultation with the Calvary Care stakeholders. Emphasis was placed on resident and staff engagement to ensure the master plan addressed any concerns raised and was consistent with the vision of Calvary Care. The approval of the master plan was a significant milestone for the project team as it represented the strategy moving forward with the staged development of the site.

Project Stats

  • Completed