Project Details

On 13 September 2012 the Reserve Bank of Australia appointed EPM to the role of Project programmer for its $5.5M Basement Improvement Project, to assist the Bank with planning, monitoring and reporting across specific project management areas. The project was initiated to address the Bank’s current and future storage and operational requirements associated with the Head Office Building’s three basement levels at 65 Martin Place, Sydney.

The Building has significance at the national level as an exceptional representative example of a prestige Post War Government Office Building, and is listed on the Commonwealth heritage List, NSW State Heritage Inventory, and RAIA Register of Significant 20th Century Buildings.

The project includes extension of an existing lift shaft (extending one floor up and one floor down), and refurbishment to create a new fitness centre, associated change rooms and amenities, extensive storage areas including compliance with National Archives requirements, and works within a high secure area.

Project Stats

  • Project Cost: $5.6 Million

  • Completed 2014